Climb-A-Thon » Climb-A-Thon


Climb-A-Thon helps us raise funds for our scholarship fund and staff/student incentives.  
Please join us for our climb-a-thon
Support your student climber reach his/her climbing goal

Purpose: As part of our Comprehensive Needs Analysis, a major focus at Bonnie Brennan is to provide a range of academic and emotional supports to all students.  Our brand new climbing wall has helped us address this goal in multiple ways.  The wall has become a source of challenge, competition, and cooperation among students.  It gives students the opportunity to push themselves cognitively and physically and fulfills multiple physical education standards for K-5.  

Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others

Standard 5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Climb-a-Thon Goal

Create a climbing event fundraiser to fulfill our overall student goals

Fundraise for our student and teacher centered needs (target is $4,700, which is approximately $20 donation per 3rd and 4th student) 

  • Each student will create an individual climbing lap goal.  A lap is defined as successfully traversing across the 20’ wall without falling or quitting.  
  • Family and friends can sponsor a climber in order to help them reach their financial and climbing goal.  Donations will be collected starting October 23-November 9.  Cash or electronic donations are accepted.  
  • Students will be given an envelope that will help them keep track of their donations.  Students will turn in their donation envelopes each day so that money is accounted for and documented. 
  • A climbing schedule will  be created so that classes get equal chances to use the climbing wall throughout the week.  In addition to class time, “bonus time” will be open before and after school, and during lunch times so that students can get extra climbs in if they choose. 
  • Students will use the Everlast climbing lap tracking log.  Each lap must be accounted for by the supervising adult during the climbing session. 
  • Prizes and incentives will be available